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About Our

Our Mission:

Care for the Earth, Care for the People,
and Share the Bounty.


We achieve our mission by empowering our tribal communities to practice and maintain a sustainable and healthy way of life while learning from and teaching about our local ecosystems as well as fostering respect and care for our watersheds.


Our Vision:

We envision healthy land and healthy people through water and food security to sustain us with our changing planet, a place of abundant and diverse vegetation, thriving gardens, and clean plentiful water to support all living beings.  Hozho be' Iina.


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Population of the 5 Communities We Serve


Acres in

Communities We Serve


Perennial Streams or Headwaters at Risk

445 sq miles

At Risk

What We Do

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Watershed Planning
Restoration. Water Harvesting. Conservation.

Permasis Farm Project
Food Security.  Green Building Systems.
Climate Change Resiliency.

Image by Romain Dancre

Learning Opportunities
Workshops. Seminars. Hands-on Projects.

Catalyst to Navigate Bureaucracy
Document Assistance. Conservation Plans.

What Can You Do?

Get Involved and Help Us Build
Collective Action Communities!


We are a small grassroots organization. We are passionate about what we do and we are humble enough to know we cannot do it alone.  We'd love to have you become part our efforts.

Calendar of Events

There are a diverse array of tasks that must be done.  Let's discover where your specific skills, talents and time intersect with our goals and activities.


There are a diverse array of tasks that must be done.  Let's discover where your specific skills, talents and time intersect with our goals and activities.

Have a look at our previous Newsletter 

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